In 1994, Phil Kaplan established the Office of Human Rights for the Catholic Diocese of Chalan Kanoa on the islands of Saipan, Tinian and Rota in the Northern Marianas islands, a Commonwealth of the USA. Seeking to decompress from a 17 year career lobbying for the poor and disadvantaged in the State of Washington, Phil had moved to Saipan, and quickly became aware of the plight of foreign workers there. Lax labor and immigration laws had led to rapid economic development and exploitation of cheap labor mainly from the Philippines and China. Foreign textile workers were working in the garment factories with little to no protections, long hours and low wages. Domestic and entertainment workers were subjected to horrific abuse with no recourse. The Islands were not subject to US labor laws and standards despite being a part of the USA. Phil assisted many individual alien contract workers and brought abuses to the attention of the US Dept of Interior, arranging for three workers to testify before the Senate committee in exchange for asylum in the US.
"I live to serve" — Phil Kaplan