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Our Programs

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Bringing service museums to the people

Service happens everywhere, but nowhere is there a physical space to honor and inspire service. While the National Museum and Center for Service seeks to establish a signature museum near the National Mall in Washington DC, not everyone in the nation can make it to DC and the stories of service deserve to be told in the places where they happen.

Every community across America has people and organizations engaged in service, and every community has public spaces where service can be honored. This is why we are partnering to establish community based exhibits of service, a model that provides the tools and resources for communities across the nation to celebrate service locally. These exhibits will be community led, through collaborations between local institutions, service organizations, schools and individuals.

Campus Museums of Service


Many educational institutions have centers for civic engagement, service learning programs, and/or community service requirements. Few, if any, have exhibitions or dedicated public spaces where they celebrate and champion the diverse and rich ways students, faculty, and staff serve their communities, institutions, and nation. This is why, in collaboration with educational institutions at all levels, NMCFS is co-creating affordable and accessible tools and resources to help campuses across the nation to launch their own exhibitions of service.

Pilot program partner:

Campus Compact, National Youth Leadership Council

Community Museums of Service


Alongside our partners, NMCFS is creating the tools and resources to make local museums of service accessible to communities big and small across America. By connecting local community service organizations with places that people already go — community institutions such as libraries, community centers, sports stadiums, museums, etc. — local service exhibitions and programs can be created that honor and tell the story of how people serve their local and global communities.

Pilot program partners:

DC Public Library, YMCA Anthony Bowen, DC Rotary

A Signature


The National Mall in Washington DC is where our nation honors and celebrates greatness. Because the spirit of service in ALL its forms is so central to our character and history, the NMCFS is exploring a signature existing building near the National Mall in DC where a National Museum of Service can be located. This will be an inclusive, exciting, empowering and action oriented place that welcomes visitors of all backgrounds and connects them with how they can become involved in service themselves.



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How to get involved

Want to stay informed on the development of these programs and open-sourced resources?  Sign up to stay in touch!


As a non-profit organization, the development of these programs and open sourced resources isn’t possible without the gracious support of our donors. Inspire service in communities across the country, donate today.



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